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Gold Stocks: Buy This Dip With Size?

Here are today's videos and charts.  The videos are viewable on mobile phones as well as computers. Click to enlarge the charts.

SGS Key Charts, Signals, & Video Analysis

Super Force Signals (SFS) is being rebranded as Super Gold Signals (SGS at, to reflect the growing global importance of gold. 



At my SGS flagship newsletter, our focus is big picture trades on our winning core positions in gold, silver, commodities, and some Dow stocks too!  We book partial profits regularly on stocks like Franco, Barrick, and Goldfields.  While a pause for a few weeks is likely for the miners now, these stocks are showing really great technical action, and our SGS flagship gold portfolio looks fantastic.  At $229 a year the value is outstanding, and I have a special offer this week of just $199 for a full 14 months!  Shoot me an email or click this link if you want the offer. Thanks!

SG60 Key Charts, Signals, & Video Analysis



SGT Key Charts, Signals, & Video Analysis



SGJ Key Charts, Signals, & Video Analysis





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