The truth is that income belongs to the people who earn it and that saying tax cuts cost the government is like saying burglar alarms cost thieves.
Despite optimism from GDP reports, manufacturing and construction spending fell short of expectations, squashing hopes for a significant economic rebound.
Silver topped in April of 2011, whereas gold continued to rally until it struck its top 5 months later in September. So, I think Silver is now going to make an attempt to catch up.
Central bank gold buying more than doubled in July, as policymakers showed a continued commitment to increasing the percentage of yellow metal in their reserves.
While gold is vulnerable to a small “all the good rate news is in” swoon around September 18, it is the world’s greatest asset and currency.
There is no trend and gold is working off an overbought condition. It's past tense. With the market down, it's worked off; it is no longer in overbought territory.
India will soon make hallmarking of 9-karat gold jewellery mandatory. This was prompted by Gen Z's preference for more affordable gold jewellery.