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Bounce but No Trend Change

When we look at the gold chart on a close-only basis, on a weekly chart, this is an all-time high close. And what did I tell you? I said you get the noise on the chart from the swings that you see when markets do this. But when you just went on a close on a weekly basis, you're still up in that area. You see the resistance, you can see the near-term support in the market. So let's say that the $2500 level is your support zone. Let's say that the $2570 levels is your resistance [zone] in there. And the market's marking time, back and forth. The pattern on the swing line is one of lower highs now with this action, and certainly from the low to that low is a lowering low.

But what's happening is instantly if you take a look at the market tonight, the high is $2536.10. If we come back one more day, today's high was $2536.50. So if we take out that high, you will end up with higher lows, lower highs. In other words, this market's just sort of hanging right here; trying to see what's gonna happen next.

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