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COT Gold, Silver & USDX Report - December 18, 2020

Gold COT Report - Futures
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
340,610 69,026 50,941 101,736 408,078 493,287 528,045
Change from Prior Reporting Period 
2,339 -25 -540 -2,280 3,339 -481 2,774
199 52 64 51 52 273 148
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  57,079 22,321 550,366    
  1,327 -1,928 846    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT Gold Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Gold COT Report - Futures & Options Combined
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
327,152 72,863 196,283 187,383 477,751 710,818 746,897
Change from Prior Reporting Period 
543 530 -2,291 -3,525 154 -5,273 -1,607
214 67 125 57 60 316 210
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  63,022 26,943 773,839    
  1,072 -2,593 -4,201    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT Gold Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Silver COT Report - Futures
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
80,689 31,177 7,527 41,702 110,692 129,918 149,396
1,379 243 1,398 -69 1,999 2,708 3,640
95 39 36 37 51 150 113
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  28,350 8,872 158,268    
  739 -193 3,447    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT Silver Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Silver COT Report - Futures & Options Combined
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
82,230 31,362 22,954 47,831 118,953 153,015 173,269
1,516 283 1,394 -277 1,842 2,634 3,519
104 41 67 42 54 174 139
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  30,561 10,308 183,576    
  679 -206 3,313    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT Silver Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020
US Dollar Index COT Report - Futures
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
14,709 28,765 3,151 14,494 425 32,354 32,341
-8,499 -929 1,384 -3,873 -11,537 -10,988 -11,082
32 60 8 7 4 43 68
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  3,540 3,553 35,894    
  -1,634 -1,540 -12,622    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT US Dollar Index Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020
US Dollar Index COT Report - Futures & Options Combined
Large Speculators Commercial Total
Long Short Spreading Long Short Long Short
14,677 28,745 3,249 14,538 432 32,464 32,426
-8,520 -949 1,436 -3,868 -11,533 -10,953 -11,046
35 60 10 7 5 46 71
  Small Speculators      
  Long Short Open Interest    
  3,553 3,590 36,016    
  -1,632 -1,539 -12,585    
  non reportable positions Change from the previous reporting period  
COT US Dollar Index Report - Positions as of  Tuesday, December 15, 2020

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