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Dollar Strength Still Apparent & Holding Back Rallies in Other Markets

You can see in the gold market, you're still up for the week, though, almost three. You know, almost what, point eight, five, eight-tenths of a percent? Okay 1$8 isn't bad. You have a sideways narket, I don't think you're gonna fight that. You do have the sideways market so you want to pay good attention to that no matter what you do. When you look at where the market's at, you have higher lows and higher highs.

Now that could change if you take out Tuesday's low. But if you don't, that keeps the buying mode in there and I think the pros are looking at support at the $2188 zone and still considering that this market has higher highs ahead of it.

If that dollar stops going up that dollar and higher interest rates would be the enemy of the higher prices. What's going on over the past few days is because you're not getting a lot of movement, the Bollinger Bands have collapsed around price and you're taking the volatility out of the market which makes total sense to me.

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