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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Moriarty: Normal Correction Expected for Gold and Silver


With gold and silver bulls in charge Friday, Bob Moriarty wraps up the week with bullish comments, "When silver runs, it REALLY runs!" Bob is the founder of

- Gold shares are trading at the deep discount prices of approx. 10 years prior!

I think you're right and and I appreciate you commenting. I did say last time we have not seen the top and that appears to be true. We've had a perfectly normal correction and of course there's so much going on in the geopolitical arena that could drive silver up far higher, but gold's up $30 bucks today and silver's up 50 cents and those are good numbers. 

- Will Bob's 3x prediction on the HUI gold bugs index, come to pass?

For the last 25 years, we've had too many people, who supposedly are experts trying to convince people that if gold and silver and shares don't go up every day, it's because of manipulation and it's absolutely rubbish. Markets go up and markets go down. We've had a correction. I said when we talked a week ago [that] l wasn't concerned and when you look at what's happening today, let me go look: 30 bucks, gold only went down $150 and silver only went down $3, and that's no big deal. That's not a disaster and the gold stocks have corrected, but they're absurdly, obsenely, cheap.

- With US Treasuries showing signs of life, will the Fed cut rates?
- How will the BRICS nations reshape the global currency market?
- Geopolitical concerns south of the US border with nuclear subs.
- Bob's Audio Books
- Bob's video of his flight under the Eiffel Tower
- Bob's dogfights in combat! "Crap Shoot" and amazing gooks! Buy here

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