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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Moriarty Is Unbothered by Precious Metals Corrections


Bob Moriarty shares constructive insights on the precious metals sector via our NEW fiber-optic supported, video studio. Bob is the founder of the must-bookmark website

- Bob outlines why US equities could be at or nearing a key zenith.
- We review the astounding advance in the high tech, GPU manufacturer NVDA.
- How did the OG mathematician, Leonardo Fibonacci help investors today to make improved price projections?
- More banking sector challenges?
- Will the impressive uptrend in PMs shares persist?
- Is the Gold Bugs HUI index on the cusp of a 2x, to 600?
- Will silver follow the lead of gold and copper, eclipsing it's former high of $50.
- Might silver ignite a short-covering bonanza, running to unimaginable heights?
- Unlike the King of currencies, silver is consumed by industrial demand, making it scarce and increasing it's inelastic supply and demand curves.

FREE summer reading list (Dynamic List):

Nassim Taleb's "ANTIFRAGILE"

The Sovereign Individual: Text:

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