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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Steven Hochberg: Safe Haven Assets Bull Market


Steven Hochberg notes "There's a bull market in safe haven assets." Steven works at the Elliott Wave International returns with Elliott Wave Financial Forecasts.
- Gold is trading over $2,300 but the ETFs are only just started to accumulate bullion!

In other words, gold prices are breaking out. But gold holdings in ETF, haven’t kept up with it – and to us this is a clear sign that there’s more to go in the rally. I think these ETFs are going to all of a sudden kind of jump on board and start aligning themselves with the trend in gold which has been their historic norm.

...I think the gold price can continue to move higher from here. Now, it could be some short-term consolidation. We've been doing that. Gold could go down another, you know, $100 or so, maybe a little bit more, but it's the near-term. Gyrations are just that within a larger uptrend in our opinion.

-  Silver tends to skyrocket and build momentum for the second rocket ride higher.
- Steven says silver could eclipse $50! 

We just recently hit an 11 and a half year high [for silver] and silver is breaking out. It's catching up with gold. Gold's at new all-time highs are recently, hit new all-time highs and I think silver will eventually do that also. So the metals are aligning themselves in this rally...

- Our guest is watching mid-sized financial institutions closely.
- Must read FREE online text and or audio to Michael Saylor's AND Prof. Nassim Taleb's favorite book, a must for every investor summer-reading list:
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