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GoldSeek Radio -- Steve Rocco: Impending Energy Crisis 2.0


Immediate listener favorite, Steve Rocco, of The Rocco Report, outlines the impending energy Crisis 2.0, echoing from the 1970's.

Precious metals aficionados will recall that the most epic gold and silver bull market occurred in the same decade.

Deleveraging of the financial system has created a negative feedback-loop, mirroring the 2009 Credit Crisis. The net effect is downward pressure on debt and US equities.

Now that the deleveraging process has begun, precious metals investors will become the primary beneficiaries, as deep pockets seek safe haven alternatives.

Shrewd investors have already front-run this theme, certain silver products are sporting 55%+ premiums, the highest in modern history surpassing even 2008-2009 - tune-in for more details!

Even at $100 per ounce silver, the entire available bullion market is only $150 billion, Elon Musk could easily corner the entire market and still direct $100 billion for gold purchases!

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