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The Seven Headlines Supporting The Case For Gold

In the late 19th century physiologist John Scott Haldane proposed miners begin to take canaries into coal mines. The idea was that the bird would act as an early detection and warning system for the presence of poisonous gases, namely carbon monoxide. 

The idea was widely embraced and wasn’t phased out until 1986, when UK government legislation meant ‘electronic noses’, be used instead. Whilst the birds may no longer be employed, the phrase certainly is. We now employ ‘canary in the coal mine’ as an idiom if you will for something that warns us of a potential danger.

We look at seven proverbial canaries in the coal mine, or rather seven charts and headlines that we feel should act as warning signs that all is not well in the global economy. From US spending, to unofficial US consumer debt, to amnesia-riddled central bankers, Jan Skoyles takes us quickly through the canaries that caught her eye. If you saw anything of particular interest, please let us know! 

The week might have been an especially exciting one for the gold and silver prices. But, as we explain in this short video, gold and silver market activity is often years in the making. 

It’s headlines and charts such as these that are laying the ground for future gold and silver performances. 

I also spent some time with favoured chart analyst Gareth Soloway, earlier this week. He brought along some great charts to show us where he expects gold to go in the coming months, and what silver might have in store for us. 

His charts also tie in nicely with our own ideas on the performance of the US economy, and what no one is saying but everyone is thinking. 

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