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A Stall in the Metal Break but No Sign of Turnaround

You're looking at metals having an interesting time. Number one, gold is not falling out of bed. The way to look at it isn't necessarily all the time on a daily chart.

Sometimes, you just take a weekly chart of closes, and that gives you a picture that takes away some of that swing that you get. You're down two dollars and thirty cents, or .09%; think about that for the week. In other words, you haven't moved very much whatsoever. 

You don't see that when you go to these charts. You go, 'Oh, the market's falling out of bed'; that isn't the case...and so for the week, yes we have put in a resistance top here, we have fallen back. The question is, what does the market want to do? Because it's not trending. What you have is a pattern of a higher high, this $2564.30 was higher than that high, and then you broke down in the market; you're not trending.

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