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Ed Steer: The nearly comprehensive complicity in monetary metals price suppression

Canadian mining and media mogul and zillionaire Frank Giustra, quoted below in an excerpt from GATA board member Ed Steer's market letter today, has declined over the years several requests to help GATA or just acknowledge its work. But then as a respectable figure in the world's financial establishment and a pal and major financial benefactor of former President Bill Clinton --

-- Giustra would have a lot to lose by doing anything to liberate the monetary metals markets and thereby liberate all markets.

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By Ed Steer
Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Digest
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Here's a Tweet from Frank Giustra via Daniela Cambone [of Stansberry Research] that I found on Wall Street Silver yesterday evening. I thought it worth sharing.

"I have never been a fan of conspiracies but my 45 years' experience in trading markets tells me that someone is deliberately suppressing the gold price, especially in the past two years. I suspect we will see a reset in the global monetary system some time soon."

This isn't the first time Giustra has made this remark, as I heard him say it live at one of the Vancouver investment conferences years ago, when he stated virtually the same thing on stage:

The fact of the matter is that the entire precious metals industry knows that the price fix has been in for decades but refuses to say so in public, or lift a finger to do anything about it.

That includes all the miners, with the notable exception of Keith Neumeyer at First Majestic Silver, plus a decent percentage of the so-called precious metal "analysts" out there, with Peter Schiff, Doug Casey, and Rick Rule being the poster boys for that. But there are many others besides them.

They are being intellectually dishonest and hypocritical -- and their silence or denial has not helped our cause.

But they aren't at the top of the list of enemies of free-market prices for the precious metals. That place is reserved for the World Gold Council and the Silver Institute. Their very purpose, as GATA's Chris Powell said long ago, is to ensure that real world gold or silver councils never spring up -- councils that work in the best interests of the miners.

Both these organizations -- and a decent number of their members -- are controlled or infested by the Deep State and their ilk. They have no interest whatsoever in pursing the truth, even though it is now obvious to all. 

That's one of the reasons that Keith pulled First Majestic out of the Silver Institute. I'm sure he was hoping to change things but the Silver Institute obviously wasn't interested.

As a group all these organizations, miners, and so-called precious metal "experts" are no more than silent co-conspirators in this decades-long price management scheme. By their very silence or denial they are all complicit.

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