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GoldSeek Nugget -- Bill Murphy: $300+ Trillion in global money that will soon be chasing $10 trillion precious metals market


In this March 30th, Gold nugget, Bill Murphy notes the next stage of the gold bull market could come to pass in the blink of the eye, as the investment bank sellers are underwater...

2.05 - Silver could explode above $24 at any moment amid the banking crisis.

3.02 - The duo propose that the "silver-cartel" including a key silver manipulating investment-bank, with over $45 Trillion of derivative exposure, may enter bankruptcy - this fact alone could send silver to double digits.

4.00 - Just as the BOE sold HALF the nation's gold 1999-2002, just before nearly 10x'ing in value, caveat vendor, let the short-seller's beware...

5.15 - Might central banks bought a 10 year reprieve from the last Credit Crisis via toxic CDS and might this undo the global economy?

6.20 - There is over $300 trillion in global money that will soon be chasing $10 trillion precious metals market (available), 30:1 approx.

7.05 - Will the PTB use CBDC's to backstop the financial sector amid the banking crisis.

10.00 - Will the $170 trillion in domestic derivatives exposure sink the banking system or ignite hyperinflation?

12.00 - Did the silver market rigging cartel sow the seeds of their own demise via swaps?

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