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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Moriarty: China's Gold Misunderstanding, Market Opportunity


Bob Moriarty returns with positive comments on the HUI gold shares index, which is flying higher this week! Bob is the founder of the must-bookmark website

- Bob is excited the price action in the junior mining index, the HUI Gold Bugs.
- We review the amazing S&P 500 bull market - Radio remains one of the few bullish pundits on US shares.
- A glance at Michael Saylor's astounding tech. stock, MicroStrategy.
- Will the price of gold run to $3,000 by 2025?
- Geopolitical opinions on Ukraine and the endless conflict.

Gold [was] down $75 at the most and it's all based on a misinterpretation. China reported buying very little gold in May and everybody thinks that China stopped buying [when] exactly the opposite. It's true. What actually happened is they can't find any more gold through the traditional mechanism and as of today, silver's $36 bucks in Shanghai.

So, it's a good opportunity literally today and it's very important for your listeners to understand that the Chinese in particular have controlled the price of gold and silver for at least six months and have not stopped buying and it's become very difficult for them to source gold and of course, that's very good for gold. 

- Must-read and FREE summer reading list keeps growing - links below:
#1: Michael Saylor's AND Prof. Nassim Taleb's pick, a must for every investor: Text & Audio
#2: Nassim Taleb's "ANTIFRAGILE" text

#3: The Soverign Individual: Text 

#4: Andreas Antonopoulos: Audio Mp3

- Bob's Audio Books
- Bob's video of his flight under the Eiffel Tower.
- Bob's dogfights in combat! "Crap Shoot" and amazing gooks! Buy here

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