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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Moriarty: Gold, Silver to Surge Amid Corrections


Bob Moriarty returns on the anniversary of his flight under the Eiffel Tower! Bob shares bullish comments on the precious metals shares indexes. Bob is the founder of

- Bob outlines comments from Jim Rickards, on his war games simulations.
- We review Bob's key indicator for gold junior shares.
- With the S&P 500 near all-time record highs, will US shares continue to run?
- Bob comments on Ray Dalio's insights on the growing risk of domestic challenges.
- Why is the US emptying the domestic petroleum reserve and what are the implications?
- If the Dow Jones holds 38,000 will the benchmark index run to 50,000?
- Will US sovereign debt continue to swoon amid rising rates?
- Is the enormous bond market transitioning into less interest-sensitive US equities as a safe haven?
- A most bullish interest rate trend may be unfolding for the gold and silver bull market.

Now it's going to go a lot higher and it's going to go a lot longer. The brutal corrections are part of a healthy market and we're going to continue see that. I follow the daily sentiment indicator and quite bluntly, it is not showing signs of the top and the daily sentiment indicator (DSI) of gold went from 89 to 75 in two days and silver went from 90 to 70 in two days. We haven't seen the top. It's gonna go a lot higher...

- Why did China just sell $80 billion in US debt and what is the implications for the gold market?

- Bob's Audio Books
- Bob's video of his flight under the Eiffel Tower
- Bob's dogfights in combat! "Crap Shoot" and amazing gooks! Buy here

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