Dr. Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom, Doom Report, comments on $2,315 gold, a new all-time record!
- Dr. Faber expects gold could climb to $2,500.
- When adjusted for fiat schemes, Dr. Faber thinks gold is worth seven digits!
Until 1971, the gold price was at $35 an ounce now it's over 2,300 or thereabouts, so I think that that gold has proven what it is supposed to be: namely a store of value which is true money. Paper money is not true money, but gold is true money.
He continues:
"Inflation is much higher. According to various statisticians, we have a rate of inflation in the world which is much higher than what the government is publishing, and this should be clear to each individual."
- Gold remains the ideal store of value, when compared to paper assets.
- While fiat money can be diluted through profligacy, gold requires enormous effort to produce.
- Dr. Faber urges every individual to seize sovereignty, via precious metals ownership.
- Will Fed Rates be used as a political weapon in the upcoming domestic election?
- Is the gold break-out emblematic of the long-anticipated, fiat money, end-game?
- Dr. Faber owns 25% of his investment portfolio in gold.
- Gold indexes may be poised for spectacular gains, notes out guest.
- Gold shares may represent relative bargains to the typical S&P stock.
- Dr. Faber's which oil shares he currently holds.
- Are Hong Kong shares nearing a buying nadir?
Dr. Faber's website: https://www.gloomboomdoom.com/
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