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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Harry S. Dent Jr: Gold's Strength and Rising Demand


Harry S. Dent Jr., "The Dean of Demographics," founder of joins the show from Puerto Rico and says "Gold does well in times of crisis - it's no surprise gold is doing well..."

Gold will do well when [the investors] see a potential crisis coming as they have at times during COVID-19. I think that's what's happening here.

I think the 2008 crisis gold went up for most of that downturn, and only had a brief sharp downturn, in late 2008. So, I'm not surprised that gold is kind of doing the best here. What I'm really looking at is everything else is showing huge divergences with saying, we probably are putting in a significant top here.

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I would love to see gold correct if we have a global downturn, which I think we're still due because I know who's going to consume the most gold in the future, and it's India, which is the next China...

China grew 20 times...a lot in the last so many decades, and India's going to do this, they have better business people up there from what I've seen, I've traveled a lot to India. I compare India to China. It's similar levels of urbanization and development and when I go back and do that, India's always been ahead of China at whatever level of urbanization, they're just behind them by three or four decades. So, India is going to be the next big thing. Indians love gold and will spend a higher percentage of their money on gold than any other people on the earth.

- Visit Harry's site:

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