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PCE Data Will Be Market’s Focus

When we look at the gold market as I said, I thought if it fell it would make a run towards the 18-week average of closes. I think we'll see the answer. It's either going to make it or not.

Obviously, hot PCE indices drops it maybe potentially down there. Lower numbers probably kicks it back up. And as you can see, in the market right here, gold came down, and again challenged, this area that it's been holding ever since May, but you've made plunges into that area and each time, you've bounced away. Will this time be different?

Where's the battleground? I think it's crystal clear, it's the 18-day average of closes. You've gotten over it, didn't go anywhere, you got under it, you didn't go anywhere now which way if any can it break out and the Bollinger Bands are starting to go sideways to a degree because of that...

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