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PPI Showed Inflation. Will CPI do the same?

When we look at the gold market, you can see that the market just sort of hanging. It's been here for a while. It hasn't gone anywhere. This is a weekly chart of clothes certainly for the past four weeks. You haven't really done anything. When you come to a daily buyer chart, what's the pattern here?

Well, I know that you have magic, I don't. So when I look at this, I put on a swing line study and I can tell you that the near-term trend is up, why? The definition of an uptrend is higher lows, and higher highs. The brown line is called a swing line study that I devised many years ago...

This is bullish at this point in time. Unless the market decides to come back and take out the $2337.60 level. The market is also been over and staying so far [over] what I call the line in the sand.

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