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Stock Market Crash Uncovered: What Really Went Down?

 Last week Biden was asked “What do you want your legacy for Gen Z to be

His reply? “I cured the economy

Less than a week later trading screens around the world were blinking red, with numbers heading one way…south. Equities, bonds and currencies were hit, with only a few assets left untouched.  

It’s estimated $6.4 trillion dollars has been wiped from global wealth. Is this the Great Unwind finally upon us? And is gold still the asset to protect you from the upheaval ahead? 

That's what we look at in this week's video. There is a huge amount to say about the stock market rout, why it happened and will it happen again. This is just a brief look at what started this week and why it's just a small snap shot of things to come.  

At the time of writing gold is nearing session highs, partly on account of better-than-expected weekly US jobs data but additionally a weaker U.S. dollar index , coupled with the volatile U.S. stock market has also boosted buying interest in both gold and silver. 

If you missed our conversation with Jim Rogers last week then take a look here. As many of you will be aware he has long been predicting the worst crash of his lifetime, we wonder what he would have to say about events this week. 

As ever, let us know your thoughts either by email or in the comments below our videos. 


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