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Gold's Long-Term Returns Are Better Than You Probably Thought!

Gold’s returns have been much better over the last 50 years than mainstream analysis suggests – averaging 8 percent annually.

Biden Administration Runs Third-Largest Annual Budget Deficit in History as Interest Payments on Debt Top $1 Trillion

Neither Congress nor the next occupant of the Oval Office will do anything substantive to address this fiscal trainwreck. Instead, they will continue to kick the can down the road.

China's Secret Gold Buying, U.S. Gold Reserve Transparency, and the Future of BRICS in the Global Gold Market

Officially, China claims to hold approximately 2,300 tons of gold, but Nieuwenhuijs believes the true figure is closer to 5,000 tons.

Why Should We Fight Wars for Ukraine and Israel?

“No more weapons, no more money. You’re on your own. Make peace.” That is what a pro-America foreign policy looks like.

No Compromise With the Fed!

What we need is the classical gold standard, based on 100% reserve banking. There is no need for an expansion of the monetary system, even a gradual expansion. End the Fed.

Investors Go All-In for Trump

Wall Street has gone all-in for Trump, piling up such extravagant gains in the last few weeks that one might wonder what bold miracles investors expect of him.

Ghana Launches Gold Coin to Boost Savings, Soak Up Excess Liquidity

The growing movement toward gold in Africa underscores an important truth: while fiat currencies come and go, gold has remained trusted money for over 5,000 years.

Frozen Homes

The Federal Reserve recently entered rate-cutting mode on the grounds that inflation is in a sustainable downtrend. That reasoning holds only if housing prices fall quite a bit from here.

All Hail The Fed – A New Day Dawns

The Fed is powerless to stop the worst from happening. They can only react to something after it has happened.

How Price Gouging Laws and Economic Fallacies Hurt Consumers

Maharrey takes the opportunity to explain why certain popular economic policies hurt consumers in the long run, even if they seem beneficial on the surface.

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