Maharrey spoke with Michael Pento, a noted economist, portfolio strategist, and author, to dissect the Federal Reserve's actions, inflation concerns, and the burgeoning U.S. debt crisis.
What has changed is only that the highest government officials now regularly lie about gold and that the most important financial news organizations now refuse to ask critical questions.
Gold and silver-backed currency would be redeemable in specie or at the spot price of gold in U.S. dollars minus applicable fees.
The big leaders in Tech are taking the market down the most, but breadth, as one article points out, is also terrible, with most of the market now collapsing.
Rising yields not only signal investors have bought into the “soft landing,” strong economy mantra, but they also expose a couple of significant concerns.
The market's unable to make it back to the 18-day average. So it's been doing the fighting in this case at the 100-day average. If the market collapsed, $2542 is in the picture.