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GoldSeek Radio Nugget - David Haggith: Gold's Rises With Security Demand, Central Bank Moves


David Haggith, head of The Daily Doom, examines the macroeconomic trends, noting that "... central banks are buying gold, heavily..."

- Dave outlines a key MBS debt debacle this week.
- Might the MBS issue trigger the new credit crisis?
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- With most markets nearing new highs, US shares, gold, copper, housing and Bitcoin, should investors be so nervous?

I think gold's got a lot of room to keep running because of all these other things that can be problems that are going to start emerging right? If commercial real estate starts cracking up, people are going to want more security to keep going.

We've got a lot of Central Banks that have shifted to buy and gold heavily. Some say that's in order to try to get out of the US dollar. Maybe it is, for whatever reason they buy a lot of gold now gold...and that puts a lot of pressure on the price of gold. So I don't see any reason for gold to take any significant fall. 

- Is the domestic economy facing A Great Recession 2.0.?
- The S&P 500 continues to new zeniths - is the index predicting a robust economy?
- Amid financial sector challenges, gold ownership remains a key portfolio lifepreserver.

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