Eight years ago as Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine, Ukraine's gold appeared to have been hastily shipped to the United States. Nobody in authority would deny it:
Today the Ukrainian central bank acknowledged that $12 billion of its gold reserves recently was sold under pressure of the war with Russia that began this year:
Since Russia began its attack on Ukraine's non-Crimean territory in February, the United States and its allies have appropriated tens of billions of dollars in military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine. So why would Ukraine need to sell its gold reserves unless doing so was a condition of all that U.S. and European assistance, especially since the United States already had taken custody of the Ukrainian gold?
Stripping the wounded of their valuables in wartime always suggests greed or desperation -- like desperation to keep the gold price down to support the U.S. dollar and other Western currencies..
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. CPowell@GATA.org
Chris Powell is a journalist in Connecticut, where he was managing editor of the Journal Inquirer, a daily newspaper in Manchester, for 44 years. He continues to write political columns for that paper and five others in the state and often appears on talk radio programs there. He is also secretary/treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc. (GATA), which he co-founded in 1999 to expose and oppose the rigging of the gold market by Western central banks and their investment bank agents. He edits the GATA Dispatch, that organization’s daily electronic newsletter. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Connecticut Council on Freedom of Information and was its state legislative chairman from 2004-2010.
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