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History Channel posts 'America's Book of Secrets' episode citing GATA

The Fort Knox episode of the "America's Book of Secrets" television series, in which GATA and your secretary/treasurer had a substantial part, was nationally broadcast first in February 2012 and has been rebroadcast in syndication many times since then. But the History Channel today posted it on YouTube in four roughly quarter-hour segments, and it continues to help expose surreptitious U.S. government intervention against the price of gold, an intervention that, unfortunately, despite GATA's efforts, hasn't yet been fully defeated.

For your secretary/treasurer, the episode now serves mainly to remind him of how much he has aged in just 12 years. (Could he still fit in that suit? Can he still speak coherently?) But since so many far smarter, more articulate, and better-looking advocates of the gold cause have died since the program was produced, and since victory over gold price suppression seems, at last, to be in sight, maybe he shouldn't complain. Journalists for mainstream financial news organizations should note that the story is getting out despite their cooperation with the government to keep it from being told.





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