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Is the Melt Up Ending in Metals?

You look at the market, you're back up to the $2430 level, you're up $12 at this point for the week. You can see how the market shot up today, got to $2454, and it's back down to $2430, not a real big break but what the market's done is, it's come into this old, high area from right here and it's running into a bit of resistance. 

That's the only thing that you can say about it that's negative in any manner. The pattern is still bullish, with higher lows, and higher highs. The market is over, as you can see here, the 18-day average of closes, which gives it the upside bias and the trend is up, and you ran into the buzzsaw of the Upper Bollinger bandwidth often contains the market. That doesn't mean it can't just sit on that and move itself higher. So there's nothing bearish. I do think the pros are taking some money off them and I think they'll bail if you don't embed.

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