When you take a look at the gold, you are up one-fifth of a percent for the week. So this rally that came up there did its thing but now the market's sort of stalling...
Regardless of whether it’s a fiat rate hike trick or a golden Halloween treat from Jay… the next big move for gold is likely a rally to $2200, enroute to $2480.
Due to the market’s drop to the 4100SPX region, it has now provided us an environment which can set up a market crash which would point us down to 2900-3300SPX.
The gold market has come roaring back from this low all the way back up to this 2000 level. So as it fell from 2024 all the way down here; you realize you're $20 away from the highest high.
"...the gold mining sector will become something special only when the Inflation > Disinflation/Goldilocks progression we are currently experiencing morphs to a deflation scare."