Capturing the rising gold and silver prices is a result of keeping costs under control. Fortuna is focused on high value opportunities which can impact our production plans in the short term. How will the gold mining consolidate when...
Remember the 2nd prong in bankrupting the Soviets, reducing their Foreign Exchange income? The first step on that was to determine where the Soviets income mostly came from. It turned out to be Oil and Gold.
In a sector which lacks a lot of big gold discoveries, Relevant Gold is looking to help fill this gap.
Has the Southern part of the Abitibi gold belt, which produced over a 1/4B ozs of gold, moved into present day Wyoming?
The Silver Institute noted that record industrial demand and a recovery in jewelry and silverware will lift demand to 1.21 billion ounces in 2024, while mine supply will rise by just 1%.
Journalist Henry Hazlitt: "We have seen that the added amount that consumers pay for a tariff-protected article leaves them just that much less with which to buy all other articles."
Higher interest rates mean higher mortgage rates, higher rates on personal and car loans, and higher credit card interest — all of which hurt the average American.
Should the stock market slice through that support over the coming weeks or months, then we have an early warning sign that a major bear market has potentially begun.
Anyone with wisdom and foresight should safeguard their hard-earned wealth with gold and silver—timeless forms of money that have reliably served humanity for thousands of years.
As President-elect Donald Trump moves forward with plans to shake up the federal establishment, precious metals markets are experiencing a price shakeout.
After running the third-largest budget deficit in history in fiscal 2024, the Biden administration kicked off fiscal 2025 in a similar manner.
Gold fell 4.6%, silver dropped 3.2% divergence with gold, and, platinum continues to be miserable off 3.4% on the week and down 7.6% on the year.
By spring—around April or May—I think we’re going to see gold at or probably above $3000 and I think we’ve still got until at least 2027 or 2028 before this move is finished.
Higher high, lower low - the charts got a lot of damage.