RC chip logging of the 7 holes indicate favorable geology to support potential expansion of the gold zone mineralization in the vicinities of the area previously drilled.
CEO Scanlon speaks about their plans to bring assets into a lower cost method of development, with the objective to produce 150,000 ounces of gold per annum.
After searching around for an opportunity to invest Silvercorp Metals' very large cash position into the right asset, the company is acquiring ASX-listed OreCorp which has advanced a gold asset towards production.
Banyan CEO Tara Christie gives us a background into this new discovery turned Tier One gold project, including what constraints are left at defining and growing this huge resource.
President and CEO Ganoza, discusses the latest record financial and production results including the first full quarter of the Séguéla Gold Mine in West Africa, which had its first gold pour in May.
“Fortuna has delivered record production and financial results for all its key metrics driven by the first full quarter contribution of our flagship Séguéla gold mine.”
Total inferred mineral resources for the Carangas Project: 45.0 Mt containing 47.7 Mozs of silver, 217.7 Kozs of gold, 297.9 Mlbs of lead, 533.7 Mlbs of zinc, and 16.8 Mlbs of copper; or collectively 109.8 Mozs AgEq