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Can Greedy Politicians Really Stop Price Inflation With a "Price Gouging" Ban?

The problem with the Harris plan – besides basic economics – is that it doesn’t address the cause of price inflation. It has nothing to do with “greedy corporations.”

New Import Quotas Could Foreshadow Another Surge in Chinese Gold Demand

The gold price in yuan has surged by over 17 percent year-to-date, outperforming most assets globally.

Dollar Reserves Have Dropped by 14 Percent Since 2002

 A de-dollarization of the world economy would cause the value of the U.S. currency to crash and likely spark a currency crisis.

Donald Trump Does Not Know the ‘Correct’ Interest Rate

Politicians favor an “easy money” policy because it creates an (illusionary) economic boom. The Fed-created boom helps the politicians remain in office.

Did Mark Twain Anticipate the Trillion Dollar Coin?

The U.S. Mint occasionally makes mistakes, and there's a laugh in the possibility that the mint might let a trillion-dollar coin escape into public circulation.

The Iranium Reaction: When Does All-Out War over Iran's Nuclear Weapons Begin?

The retail apocalypse that I started warning about more than half a decade ago, just keeps on spreading destruction.

Market Dynamics, Gold, and Bitcoin: Insights from Frank Holmes

Holmes shared his expertise on financial trends, the current economy, the Japanese yen carry trade, and the future of alternative assets like gold and Bitcoin.

We Don't Have a Wage Problem; We Have a Money Problem

The push to raise the minimum wage is relentless. Today, the melt value of a 1964 silver quarter is $5.13.

What Happened to the Fed’s Gold?

When everyone realizes the paper monetary system has no intrinsic value, and gold and silver re-emerge as currency backstops, perhaps the Fed will try to get its gold back.

Argentinian Gold Reserves Arrive in London

According to El País President Milei hinted that the gold can be used as collateral to take out a bridge loan, which is essentially a swap.

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