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India Slashes Import Tax on Gold and Silver

Through the first five months of 2024, gold imports into India increased by 26 percent year-on-year, with 230 tons of gold flowing into the country. This is despite record-high prices.

Gen Z and Millennial Investors Want Gold!

Young people are also becoming increasingly aware of the increasing risk in today's economy with rapidly increasing government debt and rampant price inflation.

Republican Platform Ignores Real Causes of Inflation

Other than a promise to cut “wasteful” spending, and a pledge to eliminate the Department of Education, the Republican platform is largely silent on proposals to reduce federal spending.

Biden Out: How Will Gold and Silver Markets Respond?

Bullion investors in the U.S., who tend to skew conservative or libertarian, may be feeling less anxious in recent months.

The Year of Chaos Roars!

This isn’t just the most tumultuous year of political chaos in the US; geopolitics has ramped up in the last few months to suddenly outweigh inflation as a concern for markets.

We Are in a Recession in Full-Time Jobs

The labor market isn’t telling us the economy is strong. It’s signaling recession with full-time employment dropping.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget - Bob Hoye: Gold's Strength in Current Conditions

Hoye discussed the overbought rally in gold and U.S. dollars, expecting a correction. In a recession, liquidity will drive bids for both, but no huge price moves are expected.

Ed Steer on Money Metals Podcast: Insights on Gold, Silver, and Market Dynamics

Maharrey interviewed Ed Steer, a gold and silver analyst with nearly 30 years of experience. Steer discussed market manipulations, supply-demand, and future prices.

Political and Economic Turmoil Suddenly Surging

Dangers loom for stock market investors. Physical precious metals will continue to serve as a safe haven from risky financial assets and the ongoing depreciation of the U.S. currency.

Descending Price Peaks In Latest Gold Charts

Over time, the increasing price of gold matches the loss of purchasing power in the U.S. dollar that has already occurred.

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